<% 'Check if the stored session text - session("checktext") is the same as the ' text which has client entered - request("imagecheck"). if len(request("imagecheck"))>0 and ucase("" & request("imagecheck")) = ucase("" & session("checktext")) then response.redirect "../_X39A-14.htm" else 'Create a random text and store the text to session. ' Image-Check.asp will show the text in a captcha image session("checktext") = RandomText(5) %>
Human image test

Type the characters above into the box below
<% if len(request("imagecheck"))>0 then response.write "The image check does not pass." %>

Just write “call me” in the comments area of the form and include the best time to reach you. We’ll call promptly and answer any questions you might have.
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If you want to make a reservation or simply need more information, please use this form.